Some people just don't get it
In one of the message boards that I semi-regularly(1) read (Joel on Software's Off-topic board), there was a message thread talking about the devastation in New Orleans from hurricane Katrina. And one of the posters jumped in and said that the National Guard in Louisianna wasn't responding fast enough because so many units had been deployed. He went on to criticize this and basically said that the NG units should have been left in place to be ready for this type of situation. Huh??
I find it hard to believe that some people are so against the war and Bush that they will complain when National Guard units are used to guard the nation instead of sitting around waiting for a natural disaster. I think that it is wonderful when the Guard can help out in these terrible situations, but I don't think that this is their primary purpose. Sometimes I just don't understand people.
(1) - I used to read the JOS off topic board fairly regularly. However, all of the sensible people have been driven away and the remainder is so rabidly anti-Bush that it is difficult to read sometimes. I enjoy getting alternate viewpoints, but in this case, it's just such blatant contrarianism that there is really nothing of value to get from it.
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