Monday, July 18, 2005

Ever had one of those days...?

I found this the other day. Sick and twisted. I love it!
Ever had one of those days...?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Reasoning with terrorists

Over at the Times , they have an article discussing what the Islamic terrorists are after and whether or not we can reason with them. Here's the passage that really struck me:

But sorry, old chaps, you are dealing with an enemy that does not want anything specific, and cannot be talked back into reason through anger management or round-table discussions. Or, rather, this enemy does want something specific: to take full control of your lives, dictate every single move you make round the clock and, if you dare resist, he will feel it his divine duty to kill you.

I think that fundamentally this is the point at which the two major camps of opinion regarding terrorists and the war on terror differ. One camp believes that if we, the U.S. and its allies, can appease the terrorists by ceasing to interfer with world politics and just mind our own business, the terrorists will leave us alone. They believe that the terrorists are rational actors who are dedicated to a particular goal. And if that goal, an Islamic state in the Middle East, is met, that they will be happy.

The other camp, of which I am a member, believes reality to be more like that expressed in the article. I believe that the terrorists won't be satisfied until the entire world is converted to Islam. And until that day comes, they will continue to maim, kill, and terrorize innocent civilians. Since I don't support the entire world converting to Islam, the only solution is to fight back.

And I guess that is why I get so annoyed with people who seem to think that the terrorists are justified or have some sort of a valid excuse for their behavior. These are the people who think that at their core, all people are fundamentally good. As a Christian, I know that at our core, we're all fundamentally messed up sinners. And that some of the messed up sinners in the world are out to kill as many other people as they can.

Yes, Viriginia, there is evil in the world. Why can't people see that?

(Original link courtesy of Betsy's Page)

Insanity in the Himalayas

Fabio Rojas over at Marginal Revolution has a number of links detailing the war between India and Pakistan in the Himalayas here. Almost all of the casualties are caused by the weather. This is trench warfare at the same altitude as the climbers we see on National Geographic. They have to swap out rifles every hour because they freeze solid at those temperatures.

One of the links describes this conflict as two bald men squabbling over a comb. What on earth to they think that they have to gain if they drive the other county out? Farming rights at 20,000 feet? Perhaps a location for a new tourist attraction?

It just goes to show that idiocy respects no nationality.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Bombings

I'm currently reading all the news posts about the bombings in the London Underground this morning. My heart goes out to the families of all those who were killed and those who are spending this morning waiting to hear word of their loved ones.

What I'm really wondering though, is what the terrorists think that they can accomplish by doing this? Maybe it's my American perspective, but do terrorists really think that they can force people to respect their views or knuckle under to their demands by blowing them up? In the US, if you try to punch someone in the face, you'd better be ready for the return shot. And WWII proved that the Brits are better than anyone at taking you best shot and then turning around and slapping you silly.

So Britain, whatever help you need, you've got it. And you sick freaks who think that blowing up innocent civilians on their way to work is a valid political statement, watch your back!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

First post

This is the first post to this blog. Blogging is something that I've been meaning to try for a while, but have just never gotten around to. The main test will be whether or not I have anything useful to say. I suspect not, but that's why we're doing this experiment. :)